Hey folk… well, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idsuZXwTRm4 And there is was (above). My latest straight-to-YouTube sketch visualisation; the so-called “Video Game Doctor Sketch,” in which Mario, played by Nick Godfrey, goes to see Dr Eggman Robotnik MD (me) and discovers that a quarter of a century of his hectic “super” lifestyle has finally caught up with him… Did you pick […]
Never Gonna Give YouTube Up
[youtube]http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=pRVOZQVCBCs[/youtube] Hey to you, you YouTubers you, David M. Green here. And slightly above here is my latest audio-visual sketch; a song parodying blue-eyed soulster Rick Astley’s 1987 hit, “Never Gonna Give You Up.” My version however, is all about the video sharing website, YouTube, and its title is a no-brainer. I must admit though, I don’t do […]
(Sur)Real Interview with Larry David
[youtube]http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=_RCMVFFhiAw[/youtube] Hello, Last year I flew to Los Angeles and interviewed ‘Seinfeld’ co-creator and star of HBO’s ‘Curb Your Enthusiasm,’ Larry David, over lunch at an exclusive LA restaurant. You know, one of those fancy places where all the walls are painted different colours… I didn’t bring my video camera, as it was a radio […]
Witty ’80s TV Commercial Nerd
Salutations viewer! David M. Green here. I was recently looking through an old cupboard and I found an equally old VHS tape of the 1985 Australian Grand Prix. Upon viewing the tape for nostalgic purposes, I noticed the original TV commercials, which were also included on the tape, were repeatedly ridiculous, and therefore worthy of ridicule. […]
The Amazing Adventures of Angina Man!
William Clark is an ordinary man, no different to any other… But he’s a man with an incredible secret… for beneath his non-descript business suit lies a heart packed with cholesterol! And when crime is afoot, William Clark reveals his true nature… He becomes… ANGINA MAN! Click on the links below to hear the Amazing Adventures of Angina Man, as […]
New episodes of ‘VHS Revue’ out fortnightlyish