
Hey to you, you YouTubers you,

David M. Green here. And slightly above here is my latest audio-visual sketch; a song parodying blue-eyed soulster Rick Astley’s 1987 hit, “Never Gonna Give You Up.” My version however, is all about the video sharing website, YouTube, and its title is a no-brainer. I must admit though, I don’t do too many song parodies, the primary reason being that I am a terrible singer. I prefer my straight sketch comedy and leave the music to the professionals… maybe ‘sprechgesang’ at most… Ah Fred Schneider, how I wish I could speak words like you…

But anyway, it was all I could do to stay in time with this song, which I didn’t, and tone? Oh man, I’m all over the place… I can’t tell you where I am but I know it’s not where I should be. But then I thought hey hang on… no it’s ok… it’s satirical! Yeah… that’s it… It’s a satire on all those people on YouTube without talent, but who still upload videos of themselves singing in the shower. Or at least, I’m certainly hoping it’s satirical… and it’s just a coincidence I also can’t sing myself. Although I recall from memory I didn’t do a bad job on my last song parody back in 2006: “The Dave Chappelle Corby Rap.” But of course, I suppose I didn’t put that one online for a reason…

Kind regards,
David M. Green
Never gonna give YouTube up, even if they did remove my “KKKmart” video… Bastards…

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