Hey and hello, etc.

David M. Green once again, speaking to you via the medium of blog, not to be confused with the medium of log. Although you could be forgiven for making that assumption, considering the topic of this particular entry. Behold my latest straight-to-The-Internet sketch!

In this short visual motion picture film, I attempt to find the answer to the age-old question, if a tree falls in the middle of a forest and no one’s around, does it make a sound? I spared no expenses, excluding ‘money’ of course… and ‘time’ I suppose… But I can assure you I spared no amount of ‘thinking.’ But why did I make this sketch? You just can’t leave it alone can you… Na, you’re ok. In fact it was my audition video for a new Zapruder’s Other Films/ABC TV show to be aired in late 2009, code-named “Project NEXT.” Alas I was not successful. I’m guessing they were looking for someone who took the audition seriously… But no loss. At the very least it was an excuse to finally get around to filming this sketch, which I actually wrote back in 2004!

So please enjoy, if you haven’t played the video already, “Trees: A Sound Experiment” by me, David M. Green.

Kind regards,
David M. Green
Who I just said I was

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