Hello booth enthusiasts!

FINALLY! There is now a source of wisdom, experience and an archive of booth reviews from someone with an honorary mail-order degree in “booth-onomy” (i.e. me), for all your booth seating needs!

As anyone who knows me knows already, if there’s one type of seating I would willingly take a bullet for, it’s booth seating. Call it nostalgia. Call it insecurity. Call the authorities. I love booths, and I make no apologies, except to maybe some of the restaurant staff I’ve complained to in the past due to the lack of adequate booths. I know it’s not your fault, you just work there, but I’m passionate about parking my arse, and let me tell you, nothing beats backing your butt into a well-designed booth. But that’s just the thing… in Adelaide, it’s hard to find a good booth these days…

Oh, I’ve travelled to America. I’ve experienced perfection when it comes to booth seating. So that’s why I’ve decided to put my experience, opinion and humongous ego to good use, for once. From now on, every time I dine in a booth, I shall make some notes and document the experience in blog form, for those of you who share my love of booths, and who might want to save some time by skipping the crap ones. Of course, many of you will say “what good is a booth if the food is terrible?” Good point. That certainly is a factor in forming an opinion of a restaurant, eatery or any other food emporium. But menu quality has little correlation to booth quality. Booths are a whole different kettle of fish. Indeed, being served an actual kettle of fish doesn’t necessarily immediately indicate a bad booth… Although surely that restaurant has other problems; kitchen staff with dementia, for one… Regardless, my booth reviews will be just that: a review of The Booth.

For my inaugural booth review, I chose the 1950’s-themed Hungry Jacks (or “Jaccas,” which is a term my good friend Adam Navarro is trying to popularise) at Westfield Marion shopping centre, located in the southern suburbs of Adelaide, South Australia, pictured above (taken by photography’s Tim Wray).

Marion Hungry Jack’s (Jacca’s) Booth Review

Cleanliness:                    3 Booth Units3 Booth Units3 Booth Units

Fair. Some remaining crumbs from previous booth-goers.

Material:                          3 Booth Units3 Booth Units3 Booth Units

Fair. Pleasing colour scheme. Although the back part of the booth was cushioned, the base was not, giving the appearance the booth was only half-constructed.

Comfort:                          4 Booth Units4 Booth Units4 Booth Units4 Booth Units

Good contour. Despite half-finished appearances, the booth was actually quite comfortable.

Depth:Height Ratio:        4.5 Booth Units4.5 Booth Units4.5 Booth Units4.5 Booth Units4.5 Booth Units

Very good. Near perfect. Back of the booth could be a little higher.

Distance to Table:          3.5 Booth Units3.5 Booth Units3.5 Booth Units3.5 Booth Units

Good. Could be a little more enclosed (for my liking, anyway. I’m 183cm and 73kg for those who are interested).

Overall Score:    72%

Good. An enjoyable dining experience, but by far not the perfect booth.

Stay tuned to this website (bad analogy) for more booth reviews some other time in the future, you know… if I feel like doing another one.

Kind regards,
David M. Green
Dining at a booth near you

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