Well that’s it. The debut season of 31 Questions is DONE.

It’s been quite a journey, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

Someone who I can’t thank enough is Anthony McCormack. Not only did he crack me up week after week as the show’s Moderator, but for the last 3 months he’s been the poor sap editing all that footage and physically bringing it into Channel 31. All unpaid.

I’m especially relieved we (and when I say “we”, I mean Anthony) got every episode to air and didn’t have to do repeat one.

There were a few weeks where we (and when I say “we”, I mean Anthony) got it into Channel 31 literally the night before it was going to air.

Though I hear those Chaser boys have previously handed their tape into the ABC with mere minutes to spare.

So where to from here?

Well I’ll tell you what you can look forward to… (and when I say “you”, I mean Anthony)

As Anthony wound up editing the episodes the weeks they were to be broadcast, he didn’t have time to do anything with the bloopers and the stuff we (and when I say “we”…) had to cut out because we (Anthony) were overtime. Some of it was very painful to condemn to the cutting room floor.

But Anthony tells me he put all this stuff to one side with the intention of later turning it into exclusive YouTube gold. So look out for a whole pile of low budget game show extras coming soon to an Internet near YOU!

Stuff like THIS:


But the televisual fun continues around Australia in cities less liveable than Melbourne.

While tweeting along to Ep #2 last night as it went to air in Perth, I discovered you can actually stream WestTV online! MIND = BLOWN!

SA, I’ll see you tonight on 44 Adelaide. Ep #2 is on at 10.30PM.

Still waiting on broadcast times and start dates for Sydney, Brisbane and Auckland. But you’ll be the first to know. Well, obviously after me and the people at the TV stations who are making those decisions. I mean, you’re hardly going to find out before them.

That’s just ridiculous.

Kind regards,
David M. Green
And accepting job offers… nnnnnnNow!

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