My God! MORE episodes of David M. Green and Other Famous People?!?
It sure is! Ep 3 is my very special interview with Richard Marsland, recorded just over 5 years ago. And in Ep 4, I chat to the hilarious Tim Vine and take the opportunity to evaluate some puns.
You can also Subscribe on iTunes, if you’re that way inclined.
Oh and while I’m here, a quick update on our Indiegogo campaign for Season 2 of 31 Questions: As of 10 minutes ago we’ve raised $880!
That is FAN-TASTIC. Your donations are making a huge difference at reducing the stress of not having any money. And for that I thank you from the bottom of my shallow, moth-filled pockets.
There’s still plenty of DMG Mugs left, so pick yourself up a set. They’re the perfect gift for someone without a mug.
Kind regards,
David M. Green
As seen on the mugs.