Our crowdfunding campaign for 31 Questions Season 2 is over. And we raised the incredible amount of… $1,846!


That’s cold, hard, wet CASH!

And we’re already using it to pay for stuff we need.

All up, we had 72 donors from 4 countries around the globe, each donating an average of $26 and almost doubling our goal of $1,000.

I’d like to thank the following non-anonymous people for their continued support:

Kimberley Seeto
Simon Mould
Rhys Barnard
Elliott Klein
Nick Gates
TV’s Dan Ilic
Ryan Vickers
Craig Faulkner
Greer Forrester
Kristen Rogers
Tom Green
David Cooper
Kate Henning
Jonus DeAguiar
Adam Wozniak
David Dower
Walter Lee
Blazenka Brysha
Van Badham
Tim Mahlberg
Felix of House SYN
Dan Picton
Hayden Faulkner
TV’s Sam Mac
Ellen McCutchan
Rachel Howe
Harrison Gough
Mark Humphries
Sean Campbell
Belle Hammond
Zachary Clapper
Patrick Bosher
Andrew Williams
Michelle Pay
Daniel Guglielmin
Lisa-Skye Goodes
Peter Cirocco
Peter Van Dort
Alessandra Suuberg
Bill Smith
Brendan Johnson
Sam Vandenn
Richard Green
Matt Meiklejohn
Leon Hill
Jane Watkins
Daniel Lawler
Mike Sinclair
Gillian Terzis
Bree Watkins
Ben Hayes
Aaron Hayes
Daniel Krimmer
“The Ultimo Bachelor Pad”
Andrew Sullivan
Jack Savige
Wes Kingston
Terri McCormack
Hannah Green
Rainer Selby
Grahame Buchanan
Grahame’s cat, Bella

You’ve made Season 2 possible. Thank you all so, so much.

To put the geographical scale of this campaign in perspective, this is where the money came from:

View 31 Questions Crowdfunders in a larger map

If you’ve ordered a Moderator Mug, there’ll be a slight delay before you can expect your mug in the mail. I ordered 50 mugs with my face on them, but only 5 of the [arguably more popular] “Anthony” design – so we’ve put in an order for more. T-shirts of specific sizes are also on order. And everyone should receive autographed headshots next week.

We’re also very much enjoying the fan photos. Here are a few more:

My only criticism is that ellipsis has one too many dots. But other than that: *Italian-esque hand gesture where the fingers explode from the lips*.

Now let’s make the damn show.

(Tech rehearsal tomorrow!)

Kind regards,
David M. Green
I’m not a fan of pickles, but now I want one.

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