We’re on the home stretch! On Monday 15 April 2013, we magnetically transferred 31 Questions Season 2, Episode 5 to marvelous standard definition video tape.

It went well, but I didn’t quite have the “best show ever” feeling that I had after the previous week’s show. We started off strong, but technical issues and other delays made us run quite late. And to top it off, we had a TIED GAME, which had never happened before and for which we had no contingency plan.

We decided I’d ask a straight forward sudden death general knowledge question (we always have a few spares). But I had to ask four questions before either of the contestants buzzed in. Eventually, we had a winner but by the end of the night, most of us were pretty exhausted.

But as they say: we’ll get it in editing.

Our special guest for Episode 5 was TV’s Dan Ilic, who took a break from performing his show “Legally Ambiguous” at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (very funny, by the way) to come dance with Sophie Loughran in the RMITV studio!

Naturally, Sophie was leading.

Have I mentioned the great crew?

We have a very great crew.

And speaking of which, here are some more great photos from photographer James Sablinskis, who’s been present at every taping to document our journey through the dog-eat-dog world of community television game show production:

AHH! Oh… it’s James.

And a special thanks also to Antonio’s Mum for bringing in the coveted Cafasso family hatstand, which we used as a prop for one of our movie quotes. Reckon YOU know the name of the movie? (Our contestants didn’t!)

I’m really enjoying the movie quote round. I’m not in a lot of the scenes because I wanted to take a bit of a break. Plus because Sophie and Anthony are so great together. Sophie can really emote. And the last couple of episodes Anthony has been doing some very convincing impersonations. Just a joy to watch.

Come see the next ones for yourself LIVE!

Join the 31 Questions STUDIO AUDIENCE for Season 2, Episode 7 event on Facebook, or simply rock up 8.30PM this Monday 29 April to:

Studio A, Level 2, Building 12
RMIT University
on Melbourne’s fabulous Swanston Street
(near the corner of Franklin Street)

We had a HUGE audience for Episode 6 this week (I’ll blog about that when I get the photos… JAMES?!?). Would be great to see as many of you as possible crammed into that RMITV studio for the remaining shows.

There are lollies.

Kind regards,
David M. Green
That’s right. Lollies.

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