Monday May 6, same bat studio, we taped our 31 Questions season finale. It was a slightly bizarre finale because it wasn’t our final taping. We were back on May 13 to re-shoot the season opening episode. But we treated Ep 8 like it was our last, farewell speeches, balloons and all.

My Mum even flew over from Adelaide to join the studio audience. She’s been watching on YouTube and 44 Adelaide but she’d never seen the show live before. She reportedly said the show was “very nice”.

This is probably the only photo I have of me and Mum where I’m the one wearing the most make up.

I’ve always said you don’t need money to make a great TV show. Assuming you can find a crew who are willing to work for free. And using the equipment is free. And you don’t mind eating rice. And you know someone who can get you a lot of free rice.

Have I told you about this great crew we got?

Every week they come in, set up and operate the equipment required to make a television show. They do an outstanding job. And they do it all for free.

Like Matt Dunham, the undisputed master of lighting:

And leading the studio crew this season are producers Jess May and Riyana Kasmawan, with the outstanding direction of Antonio Cafasso.

They’re doing things to make this show I don’t even know about or understand.

They’re all right in my book.

…which is why I gave them the attention they deserve at the rundown meeting prior to shooting.

Have I told you about our studio audience?

They’re the wonderful people who’ve braved the cold week after week to come sit in the adequately comfortable RMITV chairs and watch low budget game show television in the glorious standard definition of real life

And the last couple of shows, we’ve had some really lovely people come along. They laugh. They clap. They eat all the lollies. Some of them have even come to more tapings than some of our crew members. Spot Michael Doyle:

And again:

At the season finale, fan Mayumi Nobetsu popped by. She couldn’t stay for the studio audience, but she gave Anthony, Sophie and me bouquets of flowers because it was our last show!

I was very touched, though also not quite sure what to do with them, as I am currently not a vase owner. This was the flower situation one week later:

As for the actual show taping part of the night, I can’t remember much. It’s all a bit of a blur. Here are some photos:

Did I mention Channel 31 Melbourne & Geelong have given us our time slot?

Debuting Saturday 20 July 2013, 31 Questions Season 2 will air at the upgraded time of 8.30PM Saturdays for at least 6 weeks (possibly 7 – I’ll keep you updated).

That’s 90 minutes earlier than last year’s time slot! We peaked at 22,500 viewers when we were on at 10PM. I wonder what our ratings will be like this year…

I’ve also contacted the other TV stations that aired Season 1. So far, TVS Sydney, 44 Adelaide and Face Television New Zealand have all said they’re keen to broadcast our second season soon after the episodes air in Melbourne. But we’ll also be uploading the episodes to YouTube straight after they air on Channel 31.

Still waiting to hear back from West TV Perth and 31 Digital Brisbane.

Have I told you about Dean Watson? That’s him on the right, next to Antonio:

As one of the writers, Dean’s written hundreds of questions for the show. He’s also been a producer for Season 2, and has done a lot of work behind the scenes, organising our new logo, sending out press releases and looking into sponsorship.

By the way, we have yet to find a sponsor for the show. We’re allowed to sell a small amount of television advertising on Channel 31. If you’re interested in sponsoring 31 Questions, give us an email: and we can talk.

A great finale for a great season. In fact, it was by far the best season finale this season.

So much so, Anthony gave the audience one of his trademarked Italian-style hand gestures where the fingers explode from the mouth:

We were back in the studio on May 13 to re-shoot the episode we lost to a tape malfunction a few weeks ago. And that really was our final taping for the year. I’ll tell you all about it when the photos arrive.

Have I told you about photographer James Sablinskis?

He’s absolutely sensational.

Kind regards,
David M. Green
I didn’t think I’d live this long.

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