Statutory salutations to you… person reading this blog post…

David M. Green here again, with another piece of information you might find relevant to your current Internet browsing options, especially because by reading this, you’re already at the right place to view my website, ie. the website itself.

Anyway, just a friendly neighbourly notice that the Video Page is now up and running, which you can access by simply clicking here. Why you ask? Because I designed a link into the text. It’s basic web design. Feel free (and I emphasis “feel free” as I am somewhat of a benevolent dictator of this website) to check them out… you know, if you want to… and have the time. I’m not forcing you to do anything you don’t want to. But if you have a few minutes to kill; Perhaps it’s 1:25am and you’ve just made yourself a sandwich and would like to watch some sort of visual media, but you know that a 50-minute episode of Star Trek would see you finish your sandwich before William Shatner says “Captain’s Log,” and thus you’d be without a snack for the greater part of the hour… Where was I going with this? Oh yes, these videos are only a few minutes long each, so they’d be perfect for your situation… Hey, I’m trying to help you… don’t look at me like that…

Kind regards,
David M. Green with envy

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