Hey there friendly user,

What’s up? Don’t bother responding, I won’t be able to hear you… Oh wait, you could leave a comment… Sorry, I keep forgetting people can do that, as so few people do. So why not show those losers up by posting a comment? Or don’t, whatever… I’m just trying to be friendly here… Oh great now I’ve lost my train of thought. Hey don’t make that face at me!

Anyway, have I got an interesting tidbit of fact for you… Ok, as religious listeners of my comedy show “Pow-Wow” on Radio Adelaide 101.5FM would know, on the show we recently did some prank calls using a soundboard of famed Dutch street-fighting sensation Bas Rutten. Without sounding arrogant (oh who am I kidding?) they were HILARIOUS! I do believe it’s the funniest thing I’ve done, and probably will ever do. So I guess I should get out of the comedy game while I’m still on top… ahhhhh I’ll take my chances… Anyway, I turned the 16-minute radio segment into a YouTube clip by adding some images for comic effect. You can see “Bas Rutten Calling” Parts 1 & 2 on the Video Page of this website. I thought this was going to be the next Chris Crocker “Leave Britney Alone” Internet phenomenon… But it didn’t get that many views (At this stage they’ve been up for a few weeks and only a couple of hundred views… pretty lousy). So my good friend Nick Godfrey suggested just uploading one of the prank calls, instead of all 6, reasoning that your average YouTuber only has a 30 second attention span. SO… I employed some of my knowledge gained in my 3 years of studying psychology at a university level and chose to upload the call that I believed would gain the most attention… the one where we called a hooker… because, let’s face it… sex sells… which is also why this time I gave it the title “Bas Rutten Soundboard Prank Call Hooker,” and here it is:


Now, you’ll notice I also chose a display image of a sexy woman speaking on the phone (sex sells). And what do you know? Within 19 hours it was ranked #10 most viewed video on YouTube Australia in the category of ‘Comedy’ for February 5th 2008!

Now, this has also had some additional flow-on effects… For some reason, an Italian porn site decided to embed my video on their website. Now, as I included my website URL on one of the images in the video, there have been a recent spike in the number of (I assume horny) Internet users from Italy and nearby European nations (as well as The Netherlands – home of Bas Rutten), visiting davidmgreen.com. According to my statistics below I’ve had more views from those countries than my own native Australia!

The moral of this story: Behold the powerful result of an Adelaide night where Bas Rutten, sex and comedy combined with the Internet!

Stay tuned to davidmgreen.com (if that’s even technically possible) for more David M. Green-style comedy… well that’s convenient isn’t it…

Kind regards,
David M Green
Bringing Italy and The Netherlands together

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