Hey to all you Bas Rutten fans out there! Bas Rutten has made a number of “appearances” on my various radio shows, so I thought just for you, the die hard fans (of Bas Rutten, not the 1988 Bruce Willis film, obviously…), I’d compile a “Best of Bas Rutten” blog entry! Listen back to his past appearances in various forms by clicking the links below…

Rejected Radio Shows: ‘Bas Rutten Live’ 

Imset Liver Protection

Bas Rutten defends his wife’s honour

Cooking with Bas Rutten on ‘Tonight Live with Smiddy’

Bas Rutten’s School of Dating

Bas kicks ass on Tim’s Family Feud

Bas Rutten calls an adult massage parlour


Cooking with Bas Rutten

Oh yeah, one last thing… Apparently my comic radio references to Bas Rutten have proven so popular on the Internet, a fellow fan from Canada has made a public Bas Rutten soundboard, which is available here:


How freaking unbelievable is that!?! This is NOT the soundboard that I used to make the Bas Rutten calls. Before I made the prank calls above for my radio show Pow-Wow no Bas Rutten soundboard existed, but this one features many of the same clips I used, plus more. What do you know? My slight influence on the World!

Kind regards,
David M. Green
Avid Bas Rutten Fan

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