Greetings to you!

It’s my great pleasure to inform you that I, David M. Green, am now a university graduate! I graduated from Flinders University, South Australia with a Degree of Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology). So now I can stop just putting “BS” at the end of my name (for obvious reasons), and add the other “B” and the little “c”… and the “(Psyc)” bit too, which to me seems like overkill anyway… but hey, what do I know?

For proof of my graduation, see the photo below of me in my academic dress (that’s me on the right):

Getting to wear a mortarboard was one of the main reasons I chose to go to university in the first place; Mortarboard, student media, avoiding getting a job and something about a degree (in that order). I received many a jest at my hood, which was coloured pink, allegedly to represent the field of psychology… I guess it makes sense, something like 85% of the students in the course were female… oh yeah, add that to the list of reasons why I went to uni!

Now, I don’t imagine I’ll be going back to university any time soon, so instead of actually purchasing my ceremonial academic clothes, I hired them from the university for a whopping $50! And I had to give it all back on the same day! Outrageous! I at least wanted to get some of my graduate friends together and head on down to the unemployment office to rattle some cages, but they all returned theirs straight away. So instead, I decided I’d get the most out of my hire clothes by going home and hanging around the house for a while, before taking the clothes back in the evening… (my graduation was at 11am and the clothes didn’t have to be returned until 7pm… hehe!) Hey I paid for them didn’t I?

So as you can see in the photos below, firstly I took the gown off (after lunch of course) and relaxed for a while with a little wholesome daytime television:

Then, as it was such a nice sunny Adelaide day, I decided to get in a bit of exercise:

But then I forgot I was supposed to mow the lawn:

So I quickly gave the lawn a once-over and jammed on back to Flinders University to return my grass-stained gown with 20 minutes to spare, and with the university staff none the wiser… Of course if any of them are reading this blog entry they’d now know the whole story… but who cares? I’ve already graduated! Hahaha!

Academically yours,
David M. Green BBSc (Psyc)
(Mortarboard = smart. Mortarboard that’s too small = forehead like a Klingon)

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