Remember Radio Adelaide’s most anticipated new show of summer 2007/08? That’s right, it could only be “Adam.” And now you can relive the waxing lyricals, the smooth midi jazz, the sea-faring adventures and the one and only “Adam” with “Adam’s Greatest Hits: Nautical Edition.” Click on the image above for a brief audio preview, and see the Pow-Wow page for the treasure trove that is, the complete “Adam” radio anthology…
2 users responded in " Adam’s Greatest Hits: Nautical Edition "
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the REAL adam said,
in April 25th, 2008 at 7:18 pm
This portrait is not of me, the REAL adam.
Everyone who has met the man knows that he has a rich, full beard and hearty gut.
Please refrain from this trashy, newscorp journalism in the future, and give the folks what they really want. More Michael Princi.
Faithfully yours,
Christian Miller said,
in April 25th, 2008 at 7:23 pm