Hello man/woman/child,
I’ve just been in Melbourne the last 4 days with my lovely girlfriend Jemima. Had a fantastic time! Trams! Oh the trams! Did I mention I’m an avid proponent of light rail infrastructure?
We saw, amongst other things, the zoo, where we observed a couple of horny shrews chasing each other… well, one horny shrew really, chasing a shrew that didn’t appear quite as horny. Who knows though? She could be playing hard to get… or “he”… his/her choice and a valid one… the animal kingdom can be a harsh mistress… or male… Also, I was attacked by butterflies, as can be seen in the photos below. Note my frightened appearance…
We also saw the “Game On” video game exhibit in Federation Square, which was amazing; a ‘Video Game Museum!’ It was kinda strange to see a Nintendo 64 behind glass though. There were consoles I’d never even heard of before, like all these weird ones from the ’70s. Plus they had original playable arcade games! Missile Command, Space Invaders, PacMan, Frogger, Donkey Kong, Berzerk. Fantastic! See photos below…
(Photography was prohibited)
But by far the highlight of the trip was catching up with panel-operator heavy-weight Richard Marsland (of “Get This” fame, currently on Melbourne’s Triple M Breakfast show with Peter Helliar & Myf Warhurst) in a Bourke Street cafe. I gave him a shirt specially labelled for the occasion (see photo at top of this entry). I am, afterall, currently working as a panel operator at SAFM, the very position once held by the man himself.
I can definitely see myself living in Melbourne eventually, especially if I want to continue doing comedy on radio (and TV). Melbourne’s just like Adelaide really… just with it’s act together.
Kind regards,
David M. Green
(Shirts now available upon request)