
Ah yes, winter in Melbourne; A time for regular umbrella locomotion and excessive electric bills. Also time for one Coburg furniture store to throw another redundant sale:

One wonders what “conditions” would require the customer to pay MORE than full price…

But anywho, it’s been a productive winter in Melbourne for David M. Green. I’m past the half way point on my path to becoming a fully qualified journalist. Gaining more and more experience in radio, TV and life in general. I also bought some new underpants. I usually procrastinate when it comes to buying clothes, like all men, no doubt. But it really was becoming an embarrassment…

My boxers were literally tearing apart at the seams. So I had to replace them with some new ones. Shame. I had some good times in those underpants… But like any relationship, eventually one party outgrows the other and turns them into a polishing rag for shoes or dust-prone surfaces.

Major things to report…

My sister Hannah came to visit a couple of weeks ago, which was very nice. Gave me a chance to see some touristy things I’d been putting off, like going up the Eureka Tower and visiting the Titanic exhibit at Melbourne Museum. Fascinating. We had a quick look at the National Gallery of Victoria as well. I’ve been in Melbourne long enough for it to feel like home now. That mysteriousness it had when I first arrived in February has long since gone. So it was interesting to see it from an outsider’s eyes again. It’s a wonderful city.

I also gained an entire university life’s worth of wacky experiences last month when I participated in the RMIT Student Union Annual Scavanger Hunt with four of my fellow post grad journalism buddies. It was like Revenge of the Nerds or that episode of The Simpsons where Homer goes to college (“Homer Goes to College”). A few things we may or may not have actually done (I’ll keep it ambiguous to protect the reputation of the educational institution): Swam in the fountain in front of the Royal Exhibition Building, busked in Swanston Street singing “The Lion Sleeps Tonight”, leap-frogged down Bowen Street, streaked through the Melbourne University Union Building, crammed all of us into a public toilet stall at the Brunswick Hotel, plus much more… Those wacky students…

Something I will reveal I did was sing to Madonna appallingly at a karaoke bar. Listen to this for a bootleg recording…

Click to hear DMG’s Madonna Karaoke

Here are some happy snaps from that surreal and utterly exhausting 24 hours…

There’s some other footage floating around out there. I’m sure that will surface at some point in the future…

Oh yeah,by the way. We won! $100 each. Not bad for 24 hours’ work. That’s… $4 an hour… hmm… Experience. It was the experience… yeah…

In other news I’m writing and recording a lot. Keep checking here on my blog, and the SYN page, as I’m posting stuff up all the time.

I also finally hopped on the Twitter bandwagon. I’m David_M_Green. Feel free to follow me, if you’re into that crap.

So yes, everything else is good. Nothing major to complain about. Loving my time here in Melbourne! If you pretend Lachlan is the City of Melbourne, this pretty much sums up how I feel:

Ah you crazy kids.

Kind regards,
David M. Green
New underpants. Feelin’ good.

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