
My blog postings are getting more infrequent as I race towards the end of my post-grad diploma of journalism at RMIT University… Needless to say I’m doing a lot of writing.

But I’ve also had a couple of recent employment opportunities. I’m now hosting a weekly quiz night for Quiz Meisters Trivia every Wednesday at the fabulous Peacock Hotel in Northcote!

I’ve been doing it for 3 weeks now. Starting to get the hang of the technical side. Thankfully my months of panel-operation at SAFM have not completely vacated my brain.

As for the “hosting” part, it’s incredible fun. Unlike stand-up, where people expect me to be funny, the crowd really just want the questions. Head office sends me the questions and I put them to the teams. There are also DVD questions and mini-games throughout the night with free jugs of beer for the winners.

In just three quiz nights I’ve now got more stage time as an MC than I do as a stand-up comedian. I think I prefer this sort of thing, to be honest. With this I’ve got something to do. There’s a reason for me being there, other than just make people laugh (who don’t always want to hear it). I can’t remember half the comments I make in between questions, but apparently I’m good at it? So people tell me…

I think my “live” public speaking has really improved in the last year. I couldn’t imagine myself doing this sort of thing a couple of years ago, with no script. When I first started radio, everything was scripted. It gradually became less so, of course, but getting up in front of a crowd at a pub, asking some questions and ad libbing would have scared the crap out of the younger, more uptight me.

The first time I ever MC-ed anything was back in 2006 when I was 19 and I hosted the Marion Youth Council Advisory Committee’s “Sounds of Summer ’06” live music… thingy at the Marion Swimming Centre. And that was awful. Bunch of idiot teenage guitar bands. Plus the people who wanted to see them, instead wanted to throw sausages at me!

But now, I have to say, I absolutely love it. It puts me in such a good mood (especially when it goes well, like it did this week!). And it’s great fun for everyone.

Last weekend I went back to Adelaide for my cousin Julia’s wedding. They asked me to be the MC at the reception. I don’t think I would have agreed to do it before joining Quiz Meisters. I was a little shaky at first but got better as the night went on. Made a couple of good gags. It turned out to be a pretty fun night. Congratulations again, by the way, to Julia and Peter.

It was also great to catch up with some of the Adelaide gang. Here are a couple of photos from my trip that need no introduction:

Yes… So if you live in the north-eastern suburbs of Melbourne and have nothing better to do on a Wednesday night, why not come on over to the Peacock Hotel and ruin my photos like these fine people:

It’s free to play and there are literally fabulous prizes to be won!

Hope to see you there.

Kind regards,
David M. Green
Oh yes, and I bought more turtle necks!

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