It was a meeting of two former SAFM panel-operators at my house this week as Sam Mac came to visit, where he was immediately presented with a copy of “David M. Green: The Radio Adelaide Years” by the one and only (as is the custom with all visitors to Casa de Verde), the moment snapped up by […]
“Interview” with Tony “Captain Catholic” Abbott
Greetings, It’s been a while since I’ve done an interview, and hey, I’ve just bought a new microphone, so for no other reason than to pursue the TRUTH… I stormed right up to Parliament House and demanded to speak to the Prime Minister. However, Kevin Rudd was busy. Think he was out to lunch. But […]
He’ll have to give me my own Recording Studio…
Hello! Frustrated by the lack of support I’ve received from the majority of Adelaide radio stations (community, commercial AND government), I loosened my extremely tight belt and forked out $254 for a decent microphone: The Zoom H2 Portable Audio Recorder. Since I began my love affair with radio and audio-based comedy circa 2006, I’ve never […]
Internet Television? The Future is NOW!
Ahoy, Until recently, I was just like you; I thought that Internet TV was something that only existed one time in my mind when I thought up the concept myself a few years ago. Foolishly I did nothing about it and turns out someone else invented it. Not only that, but Australia’s first Internet TV station, Australia […]
Trees: A Sound Experiment Hey and hello, etc. David M. Green once again, speaking to you via the medium of blog, not to be confused with the medium of log. Although you could be forgiven for making that assumption, considering the topic of this particular entry. Behold my latest straight-to-The-Internet sketch! In this short visual motion picture film, I attempt […]
New episodes of ‘VHS Revue’ out fortnightlyish