This is a radio sketch I made for SYN a couple of years ago, using clips from ACTUAL news bulletins broadcast on Adelaide’s Fresh 92.7FM circa December 2008 – January 2009. At the insistence of my good friend Van Badham, I knocked up this visual version using stock footage from some American educational film about […]
The Magic Factory Podcast! 3SYN 90.7FM
Yes finally! It’s been two weeks since Antonio Cafasso and I teamed up for a 7-hour straight graveyard broadcast on Melbourne’s SYN 90.7FM, and I’ve finally cut together the podcast. Now, I know you people are busy with your various “commitments” (work/family/various drug addictions/etc.) so I’ve created a “Best of The Magic Factory” podcast just for […]
Warnie Calls a Brothel on The Magic Factory! Ahoy! Above is the first of many Shane Warne soundboard prank calls coming soon to the Internet! Antonio Cafasso and I made them for our graveyard shift on SYN 90.7FM last Thursday, which we dubbed “The Magic Factory”. As I gradually make my way through the 7 consecutive hours of radio we broadcast to Melbourne and beyond, […]
Raw Comedy 2011… Eh…
I guess I did cast a shadow at this afternoon’s Raw Comedy heat at Melbourne’s fabulous Northcote Social Club, but this literal shadow wasn’t what the judges were looking for. I was on first, which is always a tough spot. The audience wasn’t really warmed up. And no one was drunk yet. However, I’m not sure […]
Ladies and gentlemen… The Hon. Tony Windsor, MP…
Click the image to hear my “interview” with independent MP Tony Windsor two days after he put Julia Gillard into power, and one day after admitting he doesn’t know how to use a computer. Kind regards, David M. Green I am loving this impression!
New episodes of ‘VHS Revue’ out fortnightlyish